martes, 20 de abril de 2010

the dance floor

When I arrived in Chihuahua everything was great: the weather was nicer than in Innsbruck (22 degrees instead of 15) and my brother was already there (he lives in Los Cabos, Baja California), another highlight was that my cousin Karla and her funny Spanish husband Albino (that´s only his name and not his pigmentation) were also in Chihuahua.

The wedding day was great despite it rained a little bit during the photo session. But before that, when Tita was still home getting ready, I got sentimental when I helped my sister to put on her bride dress. I hid my feelings pretty well and did not cry while buttoning her back. It was a very simple, but beautiful moment, one of the best I in my life.

The ceremony was short and nice, but I managed to fall asleep for a second or two and the video-guy got me…asshole!

The party after the church was great. I saw so many old friends and relatives! However the best was the dance floor. Tita got one made out of LED squares (see the profile picture), which gave the party a 70´s feeling. My shoes couldn´t resist, so I danced without a break from 11 p.m. until the wedding was over at 1:45 a.m. I simply can’t recall a single day in which I dance for so long in my entire life. The best songs were Vanilla Ice´s classic “ice ice baby” and Pitbull´s “calle ocho”, a song which reminds me of the warm evenings with Tita and Tomás, and later my mom in Managua.

On Monday we went to the airport, my sister and Víctor left to Hawaii for honeymoon and I tried to get my flight back to Munich, but was not allowed to. I am still stuck in Chihuahua until next week. It could have been worst, I could have got stuck on Houston or Newark, but I am happy I can stay some extra days home.

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